Rewarding your commitment one WOD at a time!
We know that consistency is key in achieving your health and fitness goals. Simply, the more you show up and work hard, the closer you will get to your goals. Since we are all about goals and being your healthiest and fittest self, we want to celebrate your outstanding commitment with the new PF Committed Club (PFCC).
To be inducted into the Committed Club you must attend AND check-in 15 days per month AND enter your score into SugarWOD. 😉
At the beginning of each month, names will be announced and prizes will be awarded to the members who reached the 15+ class mark for the previous month.
ex: 1st week of February, we will announce January's winners.
Here's what's up for grabs:
1st Month You Make PFCC:
The 2025 PFCC Water Bottle (w/ 12 spots for stickers)
Each Month Following:
Month-Specific PFCC Stickers (for that PFCC bottle)
ex: You make 11 classes in January, and then 16 in February... You would get your bottle at the beginning of March. If you miss in March, no sticker. Hit in April, you get the April Sticker! We'll be sharing the designs with you soon - stay tuned!
Plan to make the PFCC all 12 months of the year?
We'll be celebrating those people at our end-of-year member's party in December: Shirts, Bags, Gym Gear, Supplements, Shoes??? 🤯 The more committed you are, the bigger and better the prizes get!!
We truly believe that consistency is key and can’t wait to showcase your commitment to life-changing fitness in 2025!
All you really have to do is SHOW UP. (and check-in 😉)
How will the visits be tracked?
The visits will be tracked by checking in before class and entering your score in SugarWOD before the end of the day. Coaches will not be responsible for signing you in or entering your results. Personal Training and/or Skill Sessions, Bring-A-Friend Days, Intramural Open/In-House Competitions, etc... will also count toward your total. The goal is to come 15+ DAYS over the month and do a Percheron WOD. So... double workouts on the same day still count as attending one day. For example, if you attend the daily WOD and do a skill session later that day, that is still one day of attendance. Visits only count if you are doing that day's programmed workout.
Will I get a bonus for exceeding 15 visits in a calendar month? And, can I use extra visits towards a past or a future month?
No, the focus of the committed club is rewarding you for being consistent each month rather than having some high months and some low months... so there is no rollover. But you can certainly have pride in going over 15 days!
Can I work out at home and have the WOD count?
Nope. You'll need to attend class at Percheron. (Remember: Check-In & Log Score)
Can I visit an open gym and do my own thing and have it count towards Committed Club?
Come on now. Do you eat a Big Mac and count it as a salad?
What if I’m traveling?
We'll consider these case-by-case. Depending on the gym you visit, and the programming they use, we may approve it for Committed Club. Just get with us ahead of time and let us help you find a good place to drop-in while you're traveling.
What if I get hurt or I am sick?
We encourage everyone to explain your injury to your coach to see how the workout can be adapted to your needs. We ask athletes who are contagious to stay home - we wouldn’t want this challenge to hurt your health or impact the well-being of others around you. Instead, see if you can make it up later in the week or try again next month.
What if I forget to sign in?
You are responsible for signing and entering your score. If you forget to sign-in, your visit will not be counted towards your Committed Club status, but will still count toward your fitness! If you forget to log your score for the day, you are not allowed to "go back in time" and add it.
When does this start?
You can start anytime! Just snag those 15+ visits in a month and you are IN!
What if I had committed months spanning over two years?
Our Comitted Club "season" runs for the calendar year, so December of '24 attendance/absence does not carry over into 2025. Likewise, your level of committment in 2025 will not impact our ability/inability to make CC in '26. Annual prize eligibility will restart at the end/beginning of each year.